Still no Doric Plans to View

When I spoke with Stuart Walker on the 15th Jan 2014, his best estimate was that they should be up by the end of the week. I pointed out he had said this before. He said, yes, unfortunately things don’t always go smoothly. I asked him if he could post those docs that are complete, and continue to post them as they came in. He said, no. They all need to go up at once.

He still promises to contact me immediately when the plans are ready and posted. I believe him.

Now, it’s the end of the weekend, and the plans haven’t yet been posted.

It’s anxiety-producing, that’s for sure.

But remember that the official consultation period doesn’t begin until all plans are checked and posted, and the formal consultation letters have gone out to residents.

I will post a notice here when that happens, and send an email to everyone on my email list. (If you want to join my email list, you can sign up here.)