Between now and 19 December (at 4:30pm, precisely), you can have your say on three key Vale Planning policies.
Here’s what the Vale’s own official notifications say:
1. The Local Plan 2031 Part One: Strategic Sites and Policies looks at strategic planning across the Vale up until 2031. The plan provides guidance on the provision of land for 20,560 new homes in the district from 2011 to 2031. This is the final consultation on the Local Plan 2031.
2. The Vale of White Horse Design Guide Review provides guidance to decision makers and those wishing to develop housing on the rules we will use to assess high quality, well designed homes and neighbourhoods in our district. This is so we create successful places that people want to live and work in.
3. The Vale of White Horse Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) – Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule.This is the first of two consultations on the charging schedule. CIL is a mechanism that we can use to raise funds from new development to provide infrastructure which is required to support the new development across our district.
To see the Local Plan 2031 and supporting evidence:
To see the Design Guide:
To see the CIL charging schedule:
To participate in the consultation, (you need to register once only to use the consultation site)