Category Archives: Planning Applications

Vale objects to Botley Rd Waitrose

The Vale filed its objection to the proposed Waitrose in West Oxford on Botley Road at the site where MFI used to be.

You can read it on Dropbox here: Vale Objection to Waitrose

Doric did their own objecting, and you can read it on the Oxford City planning site here: Doric Objection to Waitrose

For info, the reference number for the planning applicaiton is 14/00067/FUL. It was registered in January 2014 and is currently under consideration (consultation is closed).



Three important things

I’ve been ill, and I’m sorry for radio silence recently.

Two important things for people who check out my blog. OK, three important things.

First, the deadline for submitting your objections or reasons for support to the Vale about Doric’s plans is the 27th of March. You can see what others have said on the Vale planning website here.

Second, there are two recent planning applications to demolish single family homes in order to erect a block of flats. Little Dene in Yarnells Hill, and 2 Lime Road + 50 Laburnum Road.

We are vulnerable here in North Hinksey because of the lack of a Local Plan (due to Vale delays) and also a lack of a Neighbourhood Plan (due to Parish Council delays).

Want things to change? There is to be a by-election for three vacant seats on the North Hinksey Parish Council. Deadline to get your name on the ballot is 26 Mar. Contact me for more info. Or contact the parish clerk.

NPPF and Saved Policies inform planning decisions

When the planning officer considers the Doric planning application for West Way, he will use two policy documents in his considerations.

The National Planning Policy Framework (commonly called ‘NPPF‘) is considered in its entirety. (It’s only 47 pages long, so not too onerous.)

The policies that have been saved from the old Local Plan 2011 (commonly called ‘Saved Policies‘) carry weight too.

And that’s all. We currently have no Local Plan in the Vale. And we have no Neighbourhood Plan in North Hinksey Parish either. Only the two documents above  inform planning decision-making in Botley.

You can read or download the NPPF from the Communities and Local Government site here.

You can read or download the old Local Plan 2011 from the Vale website here.

You can read or download a list of Saved Policies from the Vale website here. (See the list of policies that begins on page 4.) You’ll have to cross reference them yourself to the Local Plan 2011.)


Material Planning Considerations

When you object to any planning application, it’s not enough to say, ‘We don’t want this disgusting development!’

Proper objections use material planning considerations.

To see an explanation of what is a ‘material planning consideration’, check out the Vale website page here.

You can see a list of what’s considered a material consideration, and some examples of what is NOT a material consideration (eg, loss of view, loss of property values).


Planning Committee meeting in Botley?

A question was put to the Vale planners: “Can we hold the eventual meeting of the planning committee that will decide about this apllication in Botley so local people can more easily attend?”

Stuart Walker said that the request is noted, but it’s too soon now to determine that. That committee meeting is months away. Once the date is clearer, planning officers will seek to find a venue large enough to hold the expected number of attendees.



Planning Applications – introduction

Many residents want to know about planning applications under consideration for properties in their area.

From today, I’ll post planning application information when I receive it.

There’s a spearate page for Planning Applications. In the cntre column, under What’s Inside, see Planning Applications.

If you have comments or objections to what is being planned, they must be received by the Vale within that period. More info on how to submit comments is very clearly displayed on the Vale website (using the link inside each area).

I’ll review these Planning Applications postings periodically and take them down after the decision has been made by the Vale Planning department.

Please let me know if you’d like to see anything else.