Category Archives: West Way

The cases FOR and AGAINST student housing in Botley

Oxford Mail covered Doric’s amended plans from the objectors’ perspective before Doric had sent out their blurbs. (And, by the way, what ever happened to those public presentations Doric scheduled then cancelled at the last minute?)

Read the article and (the good) comments here:

To the person who Commented that Doric might know more than I do about the case for student housing, they should read the reports for themselves.

Case for (submitted this week by Doric): Doric’s Report – Oxford demand report FINAL

Case against: Potters Report – Case Against Student Housing in Botley

The former  report is an exercise in truth by assertion. Doric says they strongly believe that Oxford students want to live in Botley, and that Oxford City’s need for student housing can be satisfied in Botley.  There’s no evidence of that, zero, none. Just a very strong opinion, stated just like that (‘very strong opinion’) several times.

The latter report by Dr Caroline Potter is evidence based.

Hey, don’t take my word for it. Read them and decide for yourself.

Vale’s policy for lettings in West Way

16 July 2014 at the full council meeting:

Question from Councillor Debby Hallett to Councillor Elaine Ware, Cabinet member for economy, leisure and property:

What is the current policy for deciding about letting emty units in West Way Centre?

Cllr Ware’s answer was verbal, so I scribbled some notes. (I expect her answer will be in the council’s minutes when they are published.)

The Vale owns West Way and makes the letting decisions. Out of courtesy, Doric are consulted. Doric’s concern is that letting agreements not go beyond Dec 2015, which would interfere with their development plans. Doric sometimes make a financial contribution to help offset the lower-than-market rents in any deals that are affected by the short term of the ageement.

Then I asked as a supplementaty (no advance notice is given to anyone of the nature of a supplementary question):

What role do Doric Properties play in the day-to-day running of West Way?

Answer: essentially, none. The Vale own and manage the property.

Subsequently I reported to the CEO David Buckle that there have been some mis-communications to current tenants about Doric’s role in every day decisions. For example, the agent told busness owners that Doric held approval authority over the West Way Festival and other potential events. Mr Buckle says Doric don’t have that role. The Vale own West Way. I asked that the agents be updated with correct information.