Oxford mail covers my policy change win

lib-dem-team-aLib Dem team at West WayThere’s good news for Botley in the Oxford Mail. (I hope you can follow the story.)

If you know me at all, you’ll agree the newspaper used a hideous photo. I look like a drunken crone. I may be a crone, but…

In the photo on the left, is Judy Roberts, Emily Smith, Layla Moran, me, Dudley Hoddinott, in a photo taken last winter. I think we all were quoted in the newspaper article except for Layla.

Here’s the link: http://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/yourtown/oxford/11546937.Changes_to_Local_Plan_could_block_student_flats_in_Botley___but_not_Doric_scheme/

West Way Concern Present Petition to Vale Planning Committee

There are less than three weeks to go until the Vale Planning Committee decide about the Doric plans for West Way.

Tonight, West Way Concern are presenting a petition to the planning committee. It has 1000 people asking planning committee to refuse permission for this unwanted and inappropriate scheme.

Dr Caroline Potter is presenting it — I’ll try to get a copy of her speech and put it here. Here’s a link to her speech: https://westwayconcern.files.wordpress.com/2014/10/wwcc-petition-presentation-22nd-october-2014.pdf

I wish I had  photo to share!


Oxford University – not interested in student housing

OU letter Goffin to Deech 8 Oct 14-page-001Here’s a letter from the Director of Estates at Oxford University, Paul Goffin, to Ruth Deech, making it very clear that they aren’t interested in any student housing in Botley.

I’ve also had an email from the Director of Estates and Facilities Management at Oxford Brookes University. She says,

‘Doric have been in touch with me and had had earlier conversations with the Director of Finance here at Brookes. I can assure you that we have again written to them stating  categorically that we have no need or no interest in contracting for any additional residential accommodation.’

If the two universities aren’t interested, how will they find any students at all, let alone post-grad students?


Our Green Belt needs Protecting

2014 cumnor cricket siteThe Tory adminstration at the Vale plans to take several large sites out of the Green Belt for development. I’m against the piecemeal nibbling away at the Green Belt. Yes, I know we need new homes. I think there are other sites where we can build and without endangering our open green spaces. We should protect our villages against the coalescence that the Green Belt legislation foretold.

At the Vale Council meeting on the 15th of Oct 2014, I spoke in support of a Lib Dem amendment to take the Green Belt sites out of the Local Plan 2031, and commit to a review of the Oxford Green Belt in its entirety.

Here’s what I had to say:

The officers and the ruling party are sending conflicting messages about building in the Green Belt, which are leading to reckless policy decisions, and reckless endangerment of our remaining open spaces.

Officers have told us that there is no credible constraint against accepting the SHMA figures as targets. In Scrutiny last month they said that it’s ‘obvious we have adequate land to meet our objectively assessed need’ as derived from SHMA. So there is just no credible way to adjust the targets downward.

Cllr Constance, in her question tonight, asks the Liberal Democrats for our help in identifying housing sites other than those in the Green Belt. In other words, the current administration sees no way to meet our OAN without building in the Green Belt.

So, which is it? Either we have enough land, ergo no room for manoeuvre. Or we don’t have enough land, ergo we have to build in the Green Belt (or in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty).

In early 2014, very late in the Local Plan process, Conservatives came to believe that there weren’t enough strategic housing sites without using the Green Belt. So they called for a review of the Green Belt. That review says its purpose was, ‘…to inform Council’s identification of potential contingency sites for housing,’ and that, ‘…it may be necessary to release land for development.’

The framers of the Green Belt legislation were prescient. They realised that housing need would grow, and they explicitly stated in the legislation that housing need was NOT enough of a reason to build in the Green Belt.

This local plan is reckless. It takes protection away from Green Belt land, forever.

Officers say it’s obvious we have enough land, so no way can we adjust our targets down from the SHMA OAN. But the administration says there isn’t enough land unless we build in the Green Belt. One of those things is false.

I don’t support this Local Plan. It’s not been carefully analysed, and it’s not been thought through. It’s reckless.

The vote split along party lines, with the one Labour and one Independent councillor both voting with the Tory majority.

(There was a bottle of fine wine on offer to the person who used ‘Reckless’ the most. Cllr Bob Johnston put us all to shame. 🙂 )


Drop the Doric Deal petition presented to Vale

Emily at Big FeteEmily Smith gave a confident maiden speech at Vale Council meeting on 15 Oct 14.

Emily, pictured on the right with me and Layla Moran at Botley’s Big Fete in Sep 2014, presented a petition to Drop the Doric Deal.

The petition says:

I/we, the undersigned, demand that the Vale of White Horse District Council drops the current proposals for the redevelopment of West Way. The scheme does not have the support of the community and the views of local residents have been ignored.

Emily had this to say on the night:

I am here this evening on behalf of my neighbours in Botley to present the District Council, and specifically the Cabinet, with a petition asking you to pull out of the deal with Doric Properties.

The petition was initiated by [the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate] Layla Moran three weeks ago and has already been signed by 650 people.

As you will be aware from the one thousand plus objections to the planning application, Doric’s proposal for the demolition and replacement of the west way shopping area is incredibly unpopular. It is now clear that the overwhelming view of the local community is strong opposition to the size, scale and design of the current plan.

For the past two years residents of Botley and the surrounding villages have had this planning application hanging over their heads. The stress, uncertainty and anxiety this has caused has been immense.

From our elderly neighbours at Field House who live in fear of losing their homes, to the local businesses that risk losing their livelihoods and letting their staff go. From families worried about the health, safety and practicality of their children getting to school in the mornings, to professionals wondering whether they should move away from the area before congestion on the Botley Road and A34 becomes unbearable.

The primary responsibility of elected members should be to work for and with local residents to ensure that local communities develop with full public support and involvement.

Yet in this case the Vale and Doric have failed to listen to or act upon any of the substantive concerns of local residents – leaving people feeling ignored.

But you, Councillors, have the power to put an end to all this anxiety right now.

You can chose to listen to the people who have signed this petition and withdraw from the deal with Doric before their application even gets to planning committee.

And yes, I understand (even without having seen the contract you have signed) that there may be a heavy financial penalty if you decide to pull out.

But you have to ask yourselves what would be the cost of letting the Doric proposal go ahead?

If the development were to bring in the additional consumers required and managed to be financially viable, it would clearly lead to massive congestion, addition pollution and the disintegration of a safe and well-functioning community.

That would be bad enough, but there is also a very real risk that Doric’s scheme could prove to be a huge white elephant – resulting in a loss of local services and great financial cost to the Vale, and therefore the tax payer.

It is not easy to admit that you have got something wrong but I urge you to think about the devastating impact this scheme will have on our community and ask you to withdraw from the deal with Doric before it is too late.

Members of the Council, it is time to pull out of the land deal with Doric and start working with local people to provide a new shopping area that is both economically viable and meets the needs of our growing community.


My new website

Botley-aerial-view-2012Here’s my brand new website. We have three pages, accessible right across the top. Home is the blog. Planning Applications will hold the current info about local planing applications. And About Me will be all about me, as soon as I write it.

So, next, I need to transfer over all my content from My Councillor

Tonight’s Development Forum

(From my Facebook post)

I’ve been preparing for tonight’s Development Forum, starring Doric and Mace, Vale Planners, West Way Community Concern and various local councillors.

No one is quite sure what to expect, so we’re coming with questions AND statements.

The Vale has a new procedure, designed to bring developers and community stakeholders together at the pre-application stage of major projects. I think that’s a VERY good idea, and if we’d done this in early 2013, it might have saved us some of this pain.

But it’s being launched on a project that is well past pre-application stage — actually nearing determination, and arguably too late to change anything. Additionally, invitees include members of the Planning Committee!

Irregular, puzzling and I’m prepared to listen, or to speak, whatever seems appropriate.

Untenable development

(From my Facebook post this morning)

I’m afraid that if this Doric plan goes through, Botley will end up with an economically, socially and environmentally untenable shopping area.

Shopping habits are changing– superstores facing demise. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-29442383

The Carbuncle award (horrible architectural design) went to a superstore wrapped up by flats.

Positing a need for student housing in Botley and making a false case about numbers of students living in ‘family homes’ is disingenuous.

Doric proposes a dodgy deal for Botley and I fear the consequences if it’s allowed to go ahead.


New Blog format

I’m not liking it, but willing to give ALDC a few days to see if it will come back to a usable state. Right now, when you come to my blog, you don’t see my posts straight away. Scroll down….