Botley Air Quality – My Question to Council

My question for Vale Council last night on the Air Quailty In Botley:Botley AQMA map

Question from Cllr Debby Hallett to the Cabinet member for environmental health, Cllr Roger Cox:

“The Botley AQMA was created in 2008. The Air Quality Updating & Screening Assessment report of 2012 concluded that it was necessary to develop an Air Quality Action Plan for Botley. Please would the Cabinet member for environmental health comment on the efficacy of the Vale’s current Action Plan for reducing nitrogen dioxide air pollution in the Botley AQMA along the A34 corridor, and point us to where the public can see that Action Plan.”

Cllr Cox said he had instructed officers to prepar a plan for the whole district, which would include Botley.

In essence, he told us that there was no plan for Botley.
There are only two areas designated as AQMA, and which need plans to improve: part of central Abingdon, which has a plan, and Botley along the A34 corridor, which doesn’t yet. But will!

I’m glad I asked.