West Way Concern’s Petition to Council

Last night about 50 Botley area residents and supporters of West Way Community Concern came along to the Vale district council meeting to present their petition to stop the current plans for a massive redevelopment of West Way shopping area.

The Oxford Times covered it here: http://www.oxfordtimes.co.uk/news/yourtown/oxford/10871151.West_Way_petition_is_2_000_strong/?ref=rss&utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter

Caroline Potter petition 11 Dec 13 The motion passed unanimously. Here is what it said:

“Council acknowledges the strong local opposition to the proposals outlined by Doric Properties for the redevelopment of the West Way area, Botley, on the grounds that residents feel their scale is inappropriately large and completely out of character for a suburban residential area.

Council urges Cabinet to do all they can to persuade Doric Properties to meet with residents and work in partnership with the local community of Botley to find a way forward.”

This gives us a platform to hold Cabinet to account for doing all they can to get Doric to work with Botley to get the development that’s best for the community.