The Brexit Bribe

The Brexit Bribe announced by our PM today is £1.6bn over 7 years to be given to areas that voted Leave. Is that about £222 million per year?

So which constituencies voted Leave? What? We don’t have data by constituency? Why ever not? Well, let’s guess about 50% or 325 constituencies.

So then divvie the bribe by 325 constituencies and you have £683k per constituency per year for 7 years. A constituency has about £75k people. So what does this mean?

£683k divvied by 75k people is about £9 per person per year. So if an area voted Leave because (well, inequality), then the Tory Govt will give about £9 per head per year to each of those areas.

My area (Oxford) gets nothing. Nor would London. Even the most deprived areas get nothing. I hear Brokenshaw talk about jobs creation. I thought employment was the highest ever? We need funding for NHS, schools, and housing. How does this bribe help that?