Why are conservatives concreting everything?

I posted this Comment in a thread on Facebook where people want to save the open spaces yet build enough houses, but not the way the Tories are doing it.

Looking at it, I think it sums up tomorrow’s election.

“I declare an interest. I am a Lib Dem member for Vale of White Horse, and a candidate again tomorrow.

I’m not corrupt, not lining my pockets (I honestly don’t know where you get the idea that we’re getting rich at this!); my council allowance is about £400 per month.

I’m a Remainer and have spent the last 8 years actively working to keep development out of the Green Belt. I respond in all Local Plan consultations. I challenge every Green Belt development decision that crosses my desk. I chair the joint scrutiny committee for SODC and Vale and challenge everything the Tories do.

In my view the main difference been Tories and Lib Dems In Local Government is that Tories focus is on economic growth and Lib Dems focus on our quality of life. Of course it’s not black and white, but more often than not it’s this difference that shows up. Tories help the wealthy build wealth because they think that builds jobs for the rest of us to earn a salary and thus get by.

I think that we need to make the world a better place to live In. Decent housing, public transport, environmental protections. A helping hand for when help is needed.

So the Govt Growth Deal came along and required 100,000 houses. I voted against it. Many of my Lib Dem colleagues abstained. The 100,000 is basically what was already promised in the various Local Plans, so it wasn’t any sort of escalation. But it was already too many, in my opinion. We don’t have the roads, public transport infrastructure, schools, doctors surgeries and hospital beds for the forecast growth.

I think that’s a Tory failure. Get the Lib Dem’s into power and see what we can do. Just a thought. Same old same old, or try something new?